What's in My Bag On Content Days As a Social Media Manager, with Jessica Sheehy
Who doesn't love a classic, what's in my bag? Social media managers KNOW there is no such thing as enough stuff to bring with you on content days. Our bags are full of all the things we need, or even those 'just in case' items that you're always thankful for someday.
If you have a content day coming up, or even are looking for some inspo of what to keep in your bag on a daily basis...We asked our Social Savvy Founder, Jessica Sheehy what's in her bag on our team content day, and here's what she said!
The Essentials
iPads....actually three of them
iPhone Charger
Ring Light Accessories
Air Pods
Jewelry Organizer
Rare Beauty Aromatherapy Pen
Lip Gloss
A smaller purse for happy hour after
Magazines + books that fit the brand
A candle (for the vibes of course)
Fresh Flowers
And, we know what you're thinking...yes, it did all fit!
Here at Social Savvy, we make it easy for you. Let us carry around the big bags + film all the fun content for you at our Social Savvy Content Days!